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Monday, October 28, 2024
Try fishing the shadows for Bass #flyfishing #Bass #fishing
Tuesday, March 05, 2024
Quick Tie Fly Tie of a Damsel Fly, Catches Bass! #fishing #flyfishing #tips
Quick tie of the Damsel Fishing Fly and a quick trip after tying it to "test" to confirm it catches Bass!
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Pond Fishing Fun on a 4WT Fly Rod
Plan was to fish the local pond using Bait Finesse Gear and ultralight lures. Switched to a Fly Fishing when my inline spinner kept fouling on the algae.
Started out with a Damsel Fly and had several strikes but no hook ups. Went to a Guadalupana in a smaller size hook compared to the Damsel Fly. Did better!
Worked mainly the areas near the bank as the water level in the pond was high from recent rains. Did work a more open area in the back pond to see what was cruising the area.
Caught most of the fish on a fast, short pull retrieve. Did get one Bass to take the Damsel Fly worked in its bed but as luck would have it, camera battery ran out.
Fun times fly fishing with nine Bluegill and four Bass caught and released!
Now if only the wind would calm down and we could get back to kayak fishing!
Good luck and good fishing!
Friday, March 28, 2014
COAF Damsel Fly
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
60 Fish This Round at Russell Creek!
Back to Russell Creek in Plano for more fishing. Wanted to see how many fish could be caught before we had to leave.
Brought the Four Weight Fly Rod and made a slight variation to the Grasshopper Fishing Fly. Used a size 12 Caddis Hook this time; seemed to get more hookups.
Also, used a Dry Fly, Lefty Deceiver, Damsel Flies, and a Griffith's Gnat. Ended up catching and releasing 60 fish.
Two were Bass; they were small ones but did see some nice ones lurking in the area! Just did not want to strike.
No action shots this time; just video of the fish. Sped the video to show all 60 fish. Also, have some footage of two snakes mating (possibly).
Click-on Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Fished Bethany... Slight Change to the Damsel Fly
Click-on Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
More Fun Fishing Before the Front Arrived
Click-on Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Three Bass at Bethany This Round!
Click-on Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Slow Round This Morning
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Quick Trip at Lunch
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Four For Lunch!
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Tenkara This Round at Bethany
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Monday, April 09, 2012
A Couple of Bass at Bethany, but Lost a Big One!
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Bass In Their Beds at Bethany Lakes
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Two More Bullheads Again This Evening, No Bruisers!
Did test out a homemade electronic strike indicator using a battery powered door alarm from the Dollar Store. Worked out nicely, especially when fishing in the dark. Not bad for a dollar!
Also, many thanks to TFF's mikes14 on posting pics of fish caught using the Damsel Fly on the forum (link to post). Been a consistent producer for the Team each year. Even better, it's a simple fly to tie!
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
One Bass Finally....
On both occassions, not a fish was to be had. It was promising yesterday when Bass were in the shallows actively chasing something. Even had several look at a Hand Poured Creature and one nudge a Senko Worm.
Today was able to get one Bass finally. Caught it at Bethany on an Olive Damsel Fly!
Click-on 2012's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Two Bass and a Bluegill
Click-on 2011's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Bass and Panfish at Bethany Lakes This Morning!
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Bass and Panfish at Bethany Lakes This Morning! |
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Flies Did Well At the Village This Morning....
PS: Used a BH Olive Wooley Bugger, a Deer Hair Bug, and a Damsel Fly. Deer Hair Bug seemed to be the fly of choice this round.
Flies Did Well At the Village This Morning.... |
Click-on 2011's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Tenkara Gets 2 Sunfish and 1 Bass This PM
Tenkara Gets 2 Sunfish and 1 Bass This PM |
Click-on 2011's COAF Fishing Leader Board to checkout top fish caught this year by our readers. Also, click-on One Fishing Fly Challenge to checkout the Field Team's flyfishing informal contest. Feel free to join; it's simple!
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