Follow-up edited video of the GoPro Mobile Fishing Livestream from the other day. Let's count how many fish were caught and released!
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Saturday, April 06, 2024
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Green Foam Grasshopper This Round! #flyfishing
Able to get a round of fishing in this evening. Caught Bass, Bluegill, and Sunfish while fly fishing at Bethany Lakes. Went with a Foam Grasshopper to get them today! Hoping the colder temps are done, and we can get back to kayak fishing!
Originally posted May 1, 2017
A post shared by COAF Field Team ( on
Sunday, March 05, 2023
Another GoPro Livestream But.... Struck Out. Great Ultralight Baitcasting Practice at Least!
Another GoPro Livestream. This one shows that fishing is not catching.... struck out but did get some great casting practice with the KastKing Zephyr BFS with reel clicker and BPS MicroLite Rod.
I started out fishing the Main Pond and worked my way around to the drainage culvert, then moved to the Back Pond. Although no bites, I did note several Bass beds near the banks.
I continued to work the Back Pond and then the Main Pond's North side. No hits either.
I did notice the rod and reel combo casted much better when spooled with 4lbs mono compared to 8lbs mono. Easier to cast and more distance, too.
I also limited the line amount, spooling it with 66 turns of the handle. This makes for a lighter spool that spins faster than a fully spooled reel.
Subsequenly, the KastKing tends to cast better with less line!
BPS MicroLite Rod |
Saturday, March 04, 2023
Last Bass Yesterday
Bass #6 from yesterday... actually, it was Friday afternoon, March 3, 2023. On a whim, I decided to fish the local pond for a go at Bass. I had struck out earlier at another pond - Murphy pond that was stocked with trout.
I observed Bass in the shallows setting up spawning beds, so I figured the local pond - Bethany Lakes, may have Bass doing the same.
I did see several Bass beds but did not target them. I opted to blind cast and do a quick impromptu GoPro Mobile Livestream.
As it turned out, I caught six Bass... five were in the livestream video, number six was not. Below, is the the video of Bass #6.
BPS MicroLite Rod |
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Can a Bamboo Fly Rod and Muddler Minnow Combo Catch Fish...!
On a whim, tied a Muddler Minnow and headed to the local pond with the Vintage Bamboo Fly Rod. After figuring our the pattern - short pauses between short pulls of the line, caught a Bluegill and several Bass!
Lots of fun knowing that a fly rod that is older than myself can still be used. I am a little careful when landing fish. But, I do think the rod will land a good size Bass or other similar fish.
Let's see if that happens sooner than later!
Try tying one, else purchase them from Amazon!
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Ultralight Baitcaster | Rainy Day Bass Fishing at the Local Pond
When rain approaches, I decide to go fishing. After a ling dry spell of no rain, I go for a quick trip with the ultralight baitcaster for bait finesse fishing. In short order, it starts pouring. No worries, the bass were biting!
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Pond Fishing Fun on a 4WT Fly Rod
Plan was to fish the local pond using Bait Finesse Gear and ultralight lures. Switched to a Fly Fishing when my inline spinner kept fouling on the algae.
Started out with a Damsel Fly and had several strikes but no hook ups. Went to a Guadalupana in a smaller size hook compared to the Damsel Fly. Did better!
Worked mainly the areas near the bank as the water level in the pond was high from recent rains. Did work a more open area in the back pond to see what was cruising the area.
Caught most of the fish on a fast, short pull retrieve. Did get one Bass to take the Damsel Fly worked in its bed but as luck would have it, camera battery ran out.
Fun times fly fishing with nine Bluegill and four Bass caught and released!
Now if only the wind would calm down and we could get back to kayak fishing!
Good luck and good fishing!
Monday, April 11, 2022
Rooster Tail Works for Bass | Bait Finesse Style
BFS fishing the local pond. Started with a popper but switched to a Rooster Tail and had fun catching Bass.
Shimano Scorpion 17 BFS-XG reel still rocks with the Bass Pro Shops Microlite Fiberglass rod!
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Quick Fly Tying and Catch At the Local Pond.
Checked out TRWD Flyfest. Was a fun time. Lots of video footage of the trout contest.Live stream Is posted except for heat 4. Still working on a high lights video of the contest. More to come. For now here is a quick tie and catch video to kick off the warm water fishing season!
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Another Round at Bethany Lakes [12-27-2014]
Originally posted 12-27-2014.
Latest update from the Field Team.... action Bethany Lakes remains steady for some. Key notes this round:
- Black Super Duper started out strong but tapered off in the evening
- Bread under a Bobber were getting bit with a limit taken using it
- Other were getting strikes using PowerWorm under a Bobber as well
Video clip below shows two Trout taken on a Black Super Duper:
More Reports from Bethany Lakes [12-26-2014]
Originally published 12-26-2014.
Another report from Bethany Lakes. This one included a video and an onsite Podcast. Zeke, who brought his dog but no fishing pole tagged along and stretched his legs while watching the action.
Here are key notes from today:
- Game Warden checked fishing licenses this morning, be sure your license is up to date
- Black Super Duper was the go to lure; tried gold, silver, and copper... one hit on the silver
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a Black Nymph were getting strikes
- PowerWorms under a Bobber were getting strikes as well
Video clip shows action on the Black Super Duper:
Onsite Podcast from iFishRadio:
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Another Bait Finesse Senko Bass
Another quick trip opportunity for Bait Finesse Systems fishing at the local pond. Got a Bass with a Senko! Awesome!
Trip Report
- Date: 2/14/22
- Time: 1705-1805
- Location: Bethany Lakes, Allen, TX
Key Take Aways:
- Warm day with temps in the high 60s, cooling quickly after sunset.
- No action by the “East Spot” of the Main Pond.
- No action in the Back Pond’s “North Culvert” or “Drain”
- Slow presentation of Senko in deeper areas was best chance at Bass
- “Line Watching” works, slight movement detected.
- One Bass caught and released at the Main Pond “Culvert”
- Rod – Bass Pro Shops Graphite Series 3ft Rod
- Reel – KastKing Zephyr BFS Reel with Reel Clicker
- Line – 6lbs Stren
BFS Lure Data
- BFS Lure Data
- Senkos, Gary Yamamoto
- Black/Red Flake
- 4″ Size
Fish Data
- One Bass
- 13″ Length
- Senko
- Slow Retrieve with Stop and Go
Lessons Learned
- 4″ Senko continues to produce at Bethany
- Blk/Red Flake in Watermelon seems to be preferred
- Cast, let sink to bottom, then stop and go at a slow retrieve
- “WATCH THE LINE” for the early indicator of the Bass picking up the Senko
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Early Evening Gets More Trout at Bethany Lakes [12-25-2014]
Originally posted 12-25-2014
Early evening bite at Bethany looked good for some! Despite windy conditions, fishermen were getting bites and some were limiting out.
Key notes from the evening were:
- PowerWorms and PowerBait under a Bobber were getting strikes
- COAF Griffith's Gnat was working on rising trout
- Several fishermen using Corn reported no nibbles... striking out without a trout
Video below shows action using the COAF Griffith's Gnat.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Merry Christmas… And An Onsite Podcast? [12-25-2014]
Originally published 12-25-2014.
The Field Team and would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
We appreciate your support for our website and weblog, and we look forward to continuing to provide useful fishing information to our Readers as 2014 closes and 2015 begins.
Sincerely, COAF Field Team
Out and About Podcast
...on another note, looked like Fshng84 sent in another report from Bethany Lakes while he was on a morning run. The Podcast is posted below, do check it out. Key notes this time were:
- Trout were rising, surface activity looked promising for PowerWorms
- Also, would try a Fishing Fly on a Bobber Fly Rig
- Trout were taking Velveeta Cheese under a Bobber
- Similar to other days when Super Dupers were getting bites, would anticipate the same today
Podcast Hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive |
Monday, February 07, 2022
Took A While But Found a Pattern [12-23-2014]
Originally posted 12-23-2014
Overall, the action had been hit or miss at our local pond. Trout were actively rising on the surface throughout the day, but fishermen were having trouble consistently hooking up.
There were a few fisherman who did get a limit, and as the afternoon progressed, one area of the pond seemed to have a flurry of activity that resulted in a limit being taken in less than 30" by one fisherman.
Key notes from today were:
- Super Dupers worked early in the day but the bite turned off
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a Prince Nymph were getting strikes but hook ups were spotty
- Black Midge Dry Fly were also getting strikes but missed hook sets seemed to be the norm
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a PowerWorm seemed to be the go to rig/lure today
- COAF Griffith's Gnat (variant of the Griffith's Gnat) worked well for rising trout
For more on the COAF Griffith's Gnat, do see the article, "Griffith's Gnat on a Caddis Hook".
Video clip showing snippets of risers at Bethany Lakes...
Griffith's Gnat courtesy of Scheels!
When midges are on the water think Griffith’s Gnat.
While at first glance this fly doesn’t really appear to be a great imitation of one of the smallest insects on the water, when midges hatch heavily, they tend to cluster together in the current to create a more significant meal for hungry trout.
When fished in combination with a more realistic midge or mayfly nymph as a dropper some amazing fishing can be had. It is the ultimate technical micro dry-dropper rig.
Saturday, February 05, 2022
Super Dupers and Bubble Fly Rigs at Bethany Lakes [12-22-2014]
Originally published 12-22-2014.
Bethany Lakes Fishing Report
We received another report from Bethany Lakes from Glenn who noted the bite was mixed. Some fishermen were doing well catching their limit, while others were striking out.
What worked this round:
- Silver Super Dupers worked well today
- Gold Super Dupers were also getting struck
- Sight casting to boils as well as a steady retrieve of the Super Duper helped get strikes
- As the bite slowed, switching to fishing flies helped
- A Bubble Fly Rig also helped in getting the distance needed to reach active fish feeding on the surface
Below is a short video showing one fisherman bringing in a Trout using a Bubble Fly Rig!
Bubble Fly Rigs
Friday, February 04, 2022
Bethany Lakes Saturday Morning, then Waterloo in the Afternoon [12-21-2014]
Originally posted 2014/12/21
The Team confirmed one of our own graduated with an Engineering Degree from Texas A&M University! Now, it's back to fishing again!
Bethany Lakes in Allen
Reports from the Team indicated the action Saturday morning was steady for some while slow for others. In the Team's case, one Rainbow Trout fell for an Olive Wooley Bugger at Bethany Lakes in Allen.
Key notes from the morning round were:
- Slow retrieve and/or stop and go retrieve seemed to work
- Casting spoons like Super Dupers in Gold and Silver and Mini-Jigs were getting strikes
- Bubble Fly Rig cast to fish feeding near the surface were getting strikes
- Fish were also taking PowerBait and PowerWorms
- Action was steady initially but tapered off with the exception of the Bubble Fly Rig.
- Action remained steady for the rig (see the section titled Bubble Fly Rig in the article "Texas Rainbow Trout Fishing - Community Lakes")
Waterloo Park Pond in Denison
Saturday afternoon the action picked up when the Team headed to Waterloo Park Pond in Denison. The Team limited out using an Olive Near Deere, Copper Super Duper, and a Power Bait.
Key notes from the afternoon round were:
- Near Deere was getting strikes as it sank slowly on no retrieve
- Super Duper was also getting strikes as it sank slowly or when fished slow
- Fish were also taking PowerBait, PowerWorms, Corn, and Salmon Eggs
COAF YouTube Video
Video Clip of Saturday's action is posted below for reference!
Fishing Bait Used
Thursday, February 03, 2022
The Day Before... Bethany Lakes Trout Stocking [12-14-2014]
[Originally Posted 12-14-2014]
It's the day before the annual rainbow trout stocking at Bethany Lakes in Allen. The Team is anxious to wet a line and hook a little Stocker Trout!
However, this year the Team will miss tomorrow's fun as they will be attending a graduation ceremony back at Aggieland. The Team will be in full force in College Station to be sure it is no hoax but one of own is graduating!
That said, for those able to make it tomorrow, the Team suggested posting the video from last year's opening day at Bethany. The video is posted below; do check it out.
Key items from that day were:
- PowerBait worked initially but the action slowed but remained steady
- Gold Super Duper on a steady retrieve did not work
- Gold Super Duper on a stop and go retrieve worked
- Trout tended to strike as the lure fluttered down while stopped
Also, last year the weather was sunny and cool; this year it looks like rain and overcast conditions are expected. Not sure how it will affect the fishing; be prepared to switch baits and lures accordingly!
Till next time... Good Luck and Good Fishing!
Sunday, January 09, 2022
Ultralight Bass Fishing | Kastking Zephyr and 1/16oz Rooster Tail Works!
Fished the local pond with the Kastking Zephyr BFS reel on a Shakespeare Microcast Rod and 1/16oz Roostertail. Switched the 10lbs braided line that had a 2lbs mono equivalent diameter for 4lbs mono… no more line slipping under the spool!
Caught two bass and found a lure someone lost… not bad, left with more lures than I had at the start. Not the norm for yours truly!
PS. Shimano BFS reel delivers today… check back for an unboxing post!
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Ultralight Baitcasting with a Mepps Inline Spinner
Decided to run down the road to the local pond (Bethany Lakes) and see what was biting. Brought the KastKing Zephyr BFS Reel and Ultralight Lures and left the fly rod at home. Plan was to fish Roostertails but switched to a Mepps Inline Spinner since the Trout seemed to be interested in them – specifically, a copper bladed Mepps Inline Spinner. Trout were following the spinner but not striking which was promising given they ignored gold, silver, and black.
For fun and games, fished only the copper bladed Mepps Inline Spinner to see how many fish I could catch. Worked the banks of two of the four ponds at Bethany Lakes… “Main Pond” and “Back Pond”. Caught a number of fish – Bass and Bluegill.
Check out the video, and do guess how many I caught…?
bfsfishing #kastkingzephyr #pondfishing
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