Scouting a local pond to see what was lurking below with the GoFish Cam!
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Saturday, June 29, 2024
Saturday, April 29, 2023
More Scouting with the GoFish Underwater Camera - Testing the Rigging Modifications
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Friday, January 07, 2022
Almost Lost My GoFish Cam | Recovered #shorts
TBT to warmer days. This one has me taking a swim to recover my @GoFish Cam that was snagged to some line while fishing Denison Dam one Summer! Glad I got it back!
Friday, December 31, 2021
Closed Out 2021 Kayak Fishing Lake Texoma | One Striper, Two Carp or Buffalo? | GoFish CAM
Warm temps had us setting out the kayaks for a go at the Striped Bass at Lake Texoma. Our Texoma Licences were good till 12/31/21 and the Annual COE Permit was good to go till August 2022.
Foggy trip up the road from Allen but things cleared and we put in at East Burns Run with the plan to dead drift flukes and shad for the Striped Bass.
Water was chilly, wind was not too bad at all, and waves were not an issue. The only issue we had were no Stripers.
Not wanting to closeout 2021 on a strikeout headed to Denison Dam to fish the tailrace. Fishing Buddy hooked up with one Striped Bass and yours truly although did not catch a fish, did get some video footage of what was lurking below.
What a difference a day makes,… or in this case months. Earlier in the year, we fished Denison Dam and put in the GoFish Cam. There were fish everywhere… this round, saw two fish only – looked like Carp or Buffalo.
Here’s to 2022 and more fishing fun and more “Learn to Fish by our Trials and Errors”!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Sunday, August 29, 2021
15 Bass Lurking in the Local Pond | GoFish Cam Confirmed
Here is the follow-up video showing the underwater footage taken with the GoFish Cam. We used the Micro Fly Rod to catch live bait, then baited the camera rig, and struck out… had multiple strikes including one that broke the line.
Compared the picture of the Bass caught last week that went 20″; would say it would have gone the same size, too! Counted fifteen bass in the video; do check our count and let us know if we miscounted!
One That Got Away | Micro Fly Rod and GoFish Cam
Fished the local pond using the Two Piece Micro Fly Rod to catch Sunfish and Bluegill for live bait. Plan was to rig up our GoPro and GoFish Cameras for some underwater action shots of fish lurking in the area.
In short order, managed to catch (as well as miss) a fish or two using a simple Midge pattern. Later, switched to a Tenkara fly when I lost the Midge.
Fun stuff, fly fishing with the Micro Fly Rod… was hoping for more fun with the underwater cameras. Ended up only using the GoFish Cam. Did not land a fish but did see what was in the pond lurking as well as got a glimpse of the one that got away… a nice Bass that looked like the 20″ one caught last week!
Monday, August 16, 2021
GoFish Cam | Video Playback | | COAF Field Team
This round we are reviewing GoFish Cam underwater video from a recent trip to the local pond. Hope to gain some insight on the fish lurking below!
PS: Found the Catfish that was lurking in the video…
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Bass Fishing | GoFish Cam UW Action Video Finally!
After several missed opportunities this past week, finally caught a fish while using the GoFish Cam rig we made. Caught Bluegill using a Guadalupana Fishing Fly on a 4wt Fly Rod, and then used the Bluegill for bait. Caught a nice Bass but did lose a Bass that went for a Bluegill that I was reeling in on the fly rod. Bass went about 20″ in length! @GoFish Cam showed there were more than turtles going for my bait, too!
Friday, January 15, 2021
Pond Fishing | GoFish Cam and Scouting for Fish
Another pond fishing video where I try to scout the local pond for potential bruiser fish. Turned out mainly small fish but did have a promising strike on a bread bait of a Catfish. The underwater video is tough to make it out but luckily, I was able to see it pass through the led light while standing on the bank when it struck. Took the bobber under and the hook broke off. No worries… will be back once the pond clears up!
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Drainage Canal Fishing | GoFish Cam Underwater Video
Scouting the drainage canal with the @GoFishCam where I went fishing the other day. New there were fish but now have a better idea of what is lurking below.
Did not see the nice bass in the culvert from the other day, but did see one that would have been fun to catch on the micro fly rod. Also, got some footage of the fish lurking in the pond, too.
Did bot catch anything; it was cold but was able to stay out long enough to drain the camera battery down!
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Texas Rainbow Trout Fishing | Which Technique Works Best?
Had some fun this past weekend fishing for Texas Rainbow Trout at Pottsboro Lake in Pottsboro, TX. Brought the @GoFish Cam to get some underwater video; able to capture some of the action. But, was sidetracked on a quest… Which technique works best for trout?
We tried the “Cranky, No Yanky” technique that calls for keeping a tight line and reeling faster when the trout strikes. This one worked the best; no need to use the rod to set the hook, just reel faster.
And, we tried the “Rip Thy Lips” technique… this was not the preferred method for limiting out. This technique calls for setting the hook immediately and with a strong pull of the rod at any indication of a strike.
Was a fun time; windy conditions… but we limited out. Do check out the video; added underwater footage of the trout moving about at the end of the video.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Denison Dam Fishing | GoFish Cam at the Oklahoma Wall
Made it back for more Denison Dam fishing for striped bass. Used our surfcasting gear to fish the Oklahoma Wall and worked the area using a Float and Jig/Fly Rig. Fishing buddy limited out; yours truly did not.
Lots of small stripers but did keep enough for dinner. No catch and cook this round but did get lots of underwater footage with the @GoFish Cam …learned there are lots of small stripers along the Oklahoma Wall which we anticipated given past trips. But, also noticed lots of small catfish, too!
Longer than normal video… decided to minimize the edits and post more raw footage from the GoFish Cam in case viewers see something we missed.
So far, we noticed Striped Bass, Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish, a glimpse of Buffalo, and a Bluegill. Do comment if you see others we may have missed!
Friday, August 21, 2020
GoFish Cam | Modified Rig Take 1 #gofishcam #underwatervideo #fishscouting
Made adjustments with the GoFish Cam and rigging it for underwater video action shots when scouting local ponds for fish.
Liking it but do need to make more adjustments to keep it level and floating upright.
With a little more tweaking, should be able to get it where we like it.
Do check out the video – left the underwater footage as is other than clipping out the reeling in and out of the camera.
Fun stuff!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
More GoFish Cam Scouting - Anyone Lose a Lure?
Took the GoFish Cam camera yesterday for another round of scouting the local pond for what is lurking below. Had some catfish strike a doughbait but forgot to turn the GoFish Cam recording on. Lesson learned… went back this morning to scout the same spots plus a drainage channel that we know holds fish.
Still have some adjustments to make with the GoFish Cam and its setup but did manage to capture the underwater action to include a bass that had a Panther Martin inline spinner in its mouth!
Do stay tuned for more as we seek out other areas to go scouting with the GoFish Cam!
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Scouting with the GoFish Camera #underwatervideo #gofishcam
Took the new GoFish Camera out to City Complex Pond in Murphy, TX for some scouting… fish scouting for Bass!
Used to do this in the past with the Water Wolf Camera but our efforts were on hold since we lost the camera last year.
After several hits and misses using the GoPro Hero (older model), took advantage of the price drop of the GoFish Camera and ordered one.
After a few oops in setting the camera, able to put a live bluegill on the hook and observe the underwater action.
It was mainly bluegill and a little bass “eyeing” the live bait, and then it was turtle avoidance after the turtles started showing up and taking the bait!
Did get a brief glimpse of a bass. Looked like one of the bigger bass that we used to see in pond in past years.
Unfortunately, the pond’s clarity was not as good as it normally is. But, after tweaking the video settings and slowing the speed, we were able to see the outline of the bass.
Good to know there is a nice size Bass still in the pond… now, if we can get the turtles to leave our bait alone long enough for a Bass to take it.
Oh well, till next time!
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