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Sunday, November 05, 2023
Are There Trout in the Blue River? 🤔 #flyfishing #fishing #trout
Saturday, March 04, 2023
Caruth Park Trout Fishing - Streaming Live from my #GoPro
Fun time limiting out on trout. Able to post an impromptu livestream at Caruth Park!
It includes all the mistakes and missed strikes while recording live. It took about an hour of fishing using fishing flies and other lures before I found what worked.
Ultralight Baitcasting a 1/16oz Rooster Tail - black with silver blade, fished on a slow retrieve was the go to method.
Although I limited out, I should have finished sooner but I kept losing trout while landing them. No worries, great excuse to keep fishing!
BPS MicroLite Rod |
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Limited Out Trout Fishing the Blue River | 2022 - 2023 Trout Stocking Season
Decided to fish the Blue River Saturday on short notice. Plan was to go next weekend, but not sure how work and play will conflict in the next few weeks. Saw an opening for Saturday, so went for it.
Tied a number of fishing flies Friday night after work. Mainly tied Near Deere, Pat's Rubber Legs, and Mop Flies with plan to tie more GRHEN, Pheasant Tail Nymphs, and Muddler Minnows at a future date.
Was worried that the heavy rain on Friday into Saturday morning would make the river murky and fast flowing. Luckily, the river stayed clear and the current was not heavy... actually seemed slow.
Caught a number of trout releasing all but three. Lost a lot more as my mojo was off. No worries, was a great start tot eh 2022 - 2023 Trout Stocking Season.
PS: Shout out to Donavan and Okie Fly Gal... great seeing ya'll again. Hope to be back on the Blue sooner than later!
Try a Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod in 5wt, 9ft |
Monday, October 24, 2022
Trout Near My Feet! Step Lightly Wading a River. #fishing #flyfishing #shorts
Decided to tie a Wooley Bugger to my @GoFish Cam several seasons back, and then "troll" it in a shallow side creek to the main channel of the Blue River. Was surprised how many trout were in the less than knee deep water as well as some that were near my feet! Step lightly when wade fishing!
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Dry Flies at Waterloo This Round (Feb 15, 2015)
Fun time in Denison today. Nuclaroche and I fished Waterloo Park Pond. After a lot of missed hook sets to rising trout feeding on little, black bugs, we figured out the pattern - a COAF Griffith's Gnat in Size 16!
The Trout started out taking dry flies on a dead drift but as the wind picked up and the insects started "skittering" on the surface more, the Trout were wanting more movement on the dry fly.
Fun day, especially being able to catch them on dry flies. Also, had lots of fun casting and catching fish using the COAF Micro Fly Rod!
Tough Round at Frisco Saturday (Feb 15, 2015)
Late start Saturday for Nuclaroche and I. We planned to fish Frisco Commons for Rainbow Trout that morning but I was sidetracked by work and then some early "Spring" cleaning of the office. By the time all was done, it was late afternoon.
Around 4PM, we made it to Frisco and fished till after sunset. Nuclaroche hooked up with one Rainbow Trout using PowerBait. I stuck with different dry flies trying to hook the Trout that were rising on the surface, and then eventually switched to the Micro Fly Rod.
A quick check to match the hatch did not help either. I had caught one of the bugs flying around, and then tried several fishing flies that looked like it. No luck!
Still had fun catching little Bluegill on the Micro Fly Rod!
Saturday, February 19, 2022
More Reports from Bethany Lakes [12-26-2014]
Originally published 12-26-2014.
Another report from Bethany Lakes. This one included a video and an onsite Podcast. Zeke, who brought his dog but no fishing pole tagged along and stretched his legs while watching the action.
Here are key notes from today:
- Game Warden checked fishing licenses this morning, be sure your license is up to date
- Black Super Duper was the go to lure; tried gold, silver, and copper... one hit on the silver
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a Black Nymph were getting strikes
- PowerWorms under a Bobber were getting strikes as well
Video clip shows action on the Black Super Duper:
Onsite Podcast from iFishRadio:
Monday, February 07, 2022
Took A While But Found a Pattern [12-23-2014]
Originally posted 12-23-2014
Overall, the action had been hit or miss at our local pond. Trout were actively rising on the surface throughout the day, but fishermen were having trouble consistently hooking up.
There were a few fisherman who did get a limit, and as the afternoon progressed, one area of the pond seemed to have a flurry of activity that resulted in a limit being taken in less than 30" by one fisherman.
Key notes from today were:
- Super Dupers worked early in the day but the bite turned off
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a Prince Nymph were getting strikes but hook ups were spotty
- Black Midge Dry Fly were also getting strikes but missed hook sets seemed to be the norm
- Bubble Fly Rigs with a PowerWorm seemed to be the go to rig/lure today
- COAF Griffith's Gnat (variant of the Griffith's Gnat) worked well for rising trout
For more on the COAF Griffith's Gnat, do see the article, "Griffith's Gnat on a Caddis Hook".
Video clip showing snippets of risers at Bethany Lakes...
Griffith's Gnat courtesy of Scheels!
When midges are on the water think Griffith’s Gnat.
While at first glance this fly doesn’t really appear to be a great imitation of one of the smallest insects on the water, when midges hatch heavily, they tend to cluster together in the current to create a more significant meal for hungry trout.
When fished in combination with a more realistic midge or mayfly nymph as a dropper some amazing fishing can be had. It is the ultimate technical micro dry-dropper rig.
Sunday, February 06, 2022
Best Chance To Catch a Big Trout in the DFW Metroplex.... Go To TRWD Flyfest! [3-12-2022]
Trinity River Trout Stockings
Each year the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Trinity River Regional Water District (TRWD) stock the Trinity River in Fort Worth, Texas with Rainbow Trout from December to March.
The trout typically range between 9"-11" in length with a some going 12" or longer at times. However, if you are after larger trout, there is an annual event in March that provides the best chance to catch trout measuring 20" or more!
It's TRWD Flyfest!
Retrieved from https://trwdflyfest.com/ |
TRWD Flyfest
Past Events
TRWD Flyfest 2016 - First One Hosted By TRWD!
TRWD Flyfest 2017 - Caught Five Nice Ones with the Switch Rod
TRWD Flyfest 2018 and Day After
TRWD Flyfest 2019
TRWD Flyfest 2021
Live Stream
Day After Recap
Thursday, February 03, 2022
The Day Before... Bethany Lakes Trout Stocking [12-14-2014]
[Originally Posted 12-14-2014]
It's the day before the annual rainbow trout stocking at Bethany Lakes in Allen. The Team is anxious to wet a line and hook a little Stocker Trout!
However, this year the Team will miss tomorrow's fun as they will be attending a graduation ceremony back at Aggieland. The Team will be in full force in College Station to be sure it is no hoax but one of own is graduating!
That said, for those able to make it tomorrow, the Team suggested posting the video from last year's opening day at Bethany. The video is posted below; do check it out.
Key items from that day were:
- PowerBait worked initially but the action slowed but remained steady
- Gold Super Duper on a steady retrieve did not work
- Gold Super Duper on a stop and go retrieve worked
- Trout tended to strike as the lure fluttered down while stopped
Also, last year the weather was sunny and cool; this year it looks like rain and overcast conditions are expected. Not sure how it will affect the fishing; be prepared to switch baits and lures accordingly!
Till next time... Good Luck and Good Fishing!
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Texas Trout Fishing | Three Trout, Three Bass, and Lost More
Fished Bethany Lakes Friday morning for a chance at the trout. Trout were there actively feeding. Bait seemed to be catching them fished under a float. The winner hands down was a homemade dough bait that one fisherman was using. Yours truly caught three trout fly fishing, caught three Bass as well but his mojo was off losing a lot more trout that stuck the fishing fly. Did notice the trout wanted movement. Did get strikes using a Black Midge, Rainbow Warrior, and a Griffith’s Gnat. As the morning progressed, noticed it was best to recast if no strike after counting to 10 when fishing dry flies. There were a number of Bass near the pier with three caught using a White Producer – fishing fly we bought at Scotty’s One Stop on a trip to the Blue River in Oklahoma. Fun stuff!
See our suggested fishing flies at our COAF Field Team Shop.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
TBT to the Blue River | The Other Trout
Just over two weeks away from Trout Stocking Season in Oklahoma! In two Fridays, there will be Rainbow Trout swimming in the Blue River.
While checking out past videos and blog posts, came across a video that recalled a fly tying session the night before I headed to the Blue several seasons ago.
Tied Near Deere in Olive and Orange, and then a pattern I called the PMC Emerger that can be fished wet or dry.
Check it out the YouTube Short Video below, and do give it a try on your next trip for Trout!
Saturday, January 03, 2015
Kickoff 2015 with Two Limits at Waterloo
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Quick Trip to Bethany for More Trout
Shifted to a COAF Griffith's Gnat and used the 5WT Fly Rod to work some of the Risers. Managed to hook and land one; else, had more missed strikes. Was not paying close attention... oh well, till next time.
Video/report sent to StockerTroutFishing.com... Also, tied some COAF Griffith's Gnat and BH GRHEN since we were running low.
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Tough Go This Round at Waterloo
Took a while to figure out the pattern; turned out a BH GRHEN under a strike indicator did the trick at least for Fshng84. NucLaroche had a couple of missed hook sets, else he struck out.
Still a fun time despite the cold temps. Video/report posted at StockerTroutFishing.com!
![]() |
No Bruisers; Just Stockers |
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Two This Round
Did get to try the new Fly Rod out; worked out well even with the wind. Going to have to catch something with it now.
Fun stuff... report/video sent to StockerTroutFishing.com.
PS: Stopped at Cabelas and stocked up on Trilene; works well for making fly fishing leaders.
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Limited Out This Morning; New 4wt the Afternoon
Limited out... sent report - video and onsite podcast, to the Web Admin at StockerTroutFishing.com. Let's see how soon it gets posted.
Later, went to Cabelas to check out the deals with Zeke. Zeke bought licorice; Fshng84 bought another fly rod (4wt, 5'6" Cabelas TQR) like he normally does... LOL.
PS: Report and Podcast posted at Report/Video. Only took 30"... Wow!
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
COAF Griffith's Gnat Took Three Trout This Round
Ended the day with three Trout plus one from another fisherman who caught it on a PowerWorm.
Wind was tough but luckily Trout were still taking dry flies! Sent report/video to StockerTroutFishing.com; they posted it as well.
Do check it out!
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Got Two This Round
Made it back around 3PM and tried the Griffith's Gnat without success, switched to other fishing flies, and then switched to a Spinning Rod/Reel and a Super Duper. Had one strike but no hook ups.
Finally, trout started rising around 5PM. Hooked three, landed two, and lost one in 20". Had to leave them biting though... till next time!
Sent report to our Partners at StockerTroutFishing.com; do check it out - Today's Post.!
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Struck Out at Bethany Lakes Today
Sent a report in to StockerTroutFishing.com... looks like they already posted the report... "Super Dupers and Bubble Fly Rigs at Bethany Lakes"!
Fast Web Admin... also like the info about River Park in Fort Worth... "Trinity River Trout Stockings at River Park"! Have seen some nice sized Trout caught from River Park.
Click-on Fish Bulletin Board to checkout fish caught by our readers.
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