Keep this tip handy when your backcast is clobbered. Try a water load!
Workes well on the Blue River in Oklahoma while fishing for trout that were lurking upstream and parallel to the bank.
Was using an OPST Commando Head on a 10ft 3wt!
Keep this tip handy when your backcast is clobbered. Try a water load!
Workes well on the Blue River in Oklahoma while fishing for trout that were lurking upstream and parallel to the bank.
Was using an OPST Commando Head on a 10ft 3wt!
Apologies for the test livestream last night. I was working on a video switcher hardware and thought I was streaming unlisted.
Did get some of the bugs worked out, but still need to figure a way to monitor audio to make sure sound is coming through.
No worries, have a workaround for now.
This round I talk briefly about the Centerpin Fishing at the local pond using bread and then later a dough bait recipe from an article I posted a few years back.
Additionally, I mention a fly fishing tip that helps older fishermen with a touch of nearsighted vision line their fly rods a little more easier!
Also, I mention an app that I am working on to check your hookset, at least the timing of it. Stay tuned for more. Will post soon as I get it working.
Do check it out!
Number 14 in the “Little Red Book of Fly Fishing” podcast series where I review fly fishing tips in parallel to the current Winter Trout Stocking Season in our area.
This week it’s tips 50 through 55!
Tip 50: Finding Your Mark
Tip 51: The Swing
Tip 52: Doing the Continental
Tip 53: Weighty Matters, Part 1
Tip 54: Weighty Matters, Part 2
Tip 55: Weighty Matters, Part 3
Do check back on our next episode in the series where we discuss tips 56 – 61.
Tip 56: The Difference between a Good Fisherman and a Great One? A BB
Tip 57: Knockout with the Bolo Punch
Tip 58: Seeing the Light
Tip 59: The Thin, Clear Line
Tip 60: Live With It
Tip 61: Feeling Skitterish
Good Luck and Good Fishing!
Book on Amazon:
Number 11 in the “Little Red Book of Fly Fishing” podcast series where I review fly fishing tips in preparation for the upcoming Trout Stocking Season. This week it’s fly fishing tips 41 through 45!
Tip 41: What Spooks Trout
Tip 42: The Hard Splashdown Isn’t Bad
Tip 43: Make the First Cast Count
Tip 44: Time Your Casts
Tip 45: Give Me a Good Drift
Do check it out, and do check back for the next episode for Part Two in the Little Red Book of Fly Fishing – Presentation: 61 Tips to Help You Place and Drift Your Flies So Trout That Trout Want to Eat Them!
Good Luck and Good Fishing!
Number 10 in the “Little Red Book of Fly Fishing” podcast series where I review fly fishing tips in preparation for the upcoming Trout Stocking Season. This week it’s fly fishing tips 37 through 40!
Tip 37: Remove the Shackles
Tip 38: Lose the Tailing Loop
Tip 39: Fish Like a Snake
Tip 40: Will Your Casts
Do check it out, and do check back for the next episode for tips 41 – 44!
Tip 41: What Spooks Trout
Tip 42: The Hard Splashdown Isn’t Bad
Tip 43: Make the First Cast Count
Tip 44: Time Your Casts
Good Luck and Good Fishing!
Book on Amazon:
(Podcast has migrated to the iFishNews Fishing Podcast Series - Click Link)
As part of our Little Red Book of Fly Fishing series on our iFishNews Fishing Podcast, here is a video to expand on Tip 26 that calls for casting 40 feet in 4 seconds.
The book mentions fly casting from a practical caster standpoint – specifically, being able to cast 40 feet of line in 4 seconds to a target called out by someone else at random. This one had our interests, so we decided to give it a try.
Lesson Learned: It’s challenging, don’t try to recover from a bad cast or mistake just to make the 4 second time limit. Better to take to time to recover, and prepare for the next cast.
Do give it a try and see if you are a practical caster!
Hear more tips on the latest iFishNews Fishing Podcast at
Book on Amazon:
As part of our Little Red Book of Fly Fishing series on our iFishNews Fishing Podcast, here is a video to expand on Tips 3 – Point Your Cast and Tip 10 – Watch Your Thumb.
Point your cast suggests where you point your rod tip is also where your cast will go.
Watch your thumb is a good rule of thumb… LOL, to keep you from bringing your rod to far back on the backcast.
Both tips are solid… so since we are at a pond “practicing” decided to go ahead and go fishing, too!
Third in our “Little Red Book of Fly Fishing” series podcast where I review fly fishing tips in preparation for the upcoming Trout Stocking Season. This week it’s fly fishing tips 9 through 12!
Tip 9: Take a Bow
Tip 10: Watch That Thumb
Tip 11: Say Hello to Good Casting
Tip 12: William Tell Overture
Do check it out!
Book on Amazon: