Fished Lake Lavon this past weekend. Saturday at Brockdale; Sunday at Highland. This is the follow-up video showing the action Sunday.
Windy and lots of waves to deal with, luckily the twelve foot jon boat and 2.5 Suzuki Outboard made for an easy run to the Water Treatment Plant for some fun with White Bass.
Later, made it back to the Point, found some Shad in the brushy areas with the cast net, and then fished a modified Sabiki Rig… replace the Slab with a weight and the Crappie Jigs with hooks.
Caught several keeper size Catfish – largest went 19 inches, and White Bass as well. Also, released several undersized Catfish and White Bass as well as Yellow Bass.
Overall, it was a fun trip. Did see the drainage area is flooded by the Water Treatment Plant… but most important learned the Lazy Man Fishing Method!
PS: The 2.5 Suzuki Outboard works well as a pillow!