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Friday, December 21, 2007

Bethany Lakes: December 21, 2007

Fished Bethany Lakes for trout this morning. Changed tactics from flyfishing to baitcasting. Fished about 2 hours and limited out with 5 trout. One went 10.5", another went 9", others were small stockers. All were caught using Corn fished on the bottom.

Observed other fishermen catching them on PowerBait. Could not tell what color was hitting, but when I cleaned the trout, their stomach contents were mainly Corn and a nymph-like "bug". Did note one Pink and one Chartreuse PowerBait nugget in one of the trout.

Today's Catch:

Closer look at the 10.5" Trout:

Stomach Contents:

PS: Stopped by later in the afternoon. Observed others continuing to take trout using Corn, Bread, and PowerBait. Bread and Corn were getting consistent action with a lot of light nibbles; saw more missed strikes then hook-ups. Action was not fast but consistent enough for some to ltake their 5 trout limit. Cormorants remain in the area but fishermen are still getting action.

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